

Attestation in India - The Definitive Guide

Documents of all types require proofing of some kind. This could be required at different places in different manners. Issuing a paper is easy and anyone would do it but some necessarily need credibility, the best example for proving this point would be a currency note. A piece of paper has such high significance just because of the print on it. Any kind of paper earns genuineness with a stamp and /or signature on it.

Document attestation is simply the authentication of documents that is mandatory for various purposes. Attestation in India can be of various types, at times for local use it requires self-attestation while at other times, it is mandated from the highest authority like central government. Attestation of documents shall provide a document certain immunity to be accepted in different parts of the nation or abroad. This type of certificate attestation can be for local use or at times for the national or international cause.

What is attestation?

Attestation meaning can be interpreted as a demonstration of proof of something. It is more of a legal term that deals with the lawfulness of evidence, a statement or a document or certificate. It is provided in forms of stamps and signature when one believes in the authenticity of the entity. An attestation of any document or paperwork will let the demandant know that the copy of the original document is credible and can be trusted. It is a formality by the law helping the legitimacy of the material.

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